DJ • Emcee • Karaoke • Trivia

Join DJ Michael T. Swagger every Wednesday starting at 7:30pm
at Patsy's Pub (17419 Carey Road, Westfield) for a fun night of Trivia!

7 Rounds - 10 Questions each round.
Correct answers are worth 2 points each, unless otherwise noted.
Always a Picture Round & Audio Round.
Pick one category to earn DOUBLE POINTS!
Final Round - Wager up to 20 points on one question.
Weekly Winners:
1st Place - $30 Gift Card or Cash
2nd Place - $20 Gift Card or Cash
3rd Place - $10 Gift Card or Cash
The Quizmaster has final say on all rule interpretations and disputes.
No outside help of any kind, including, but not limited to:
Using your phone to look up answers;
Other teams or non-player patrons assisting with answers;
Your team can be penalized or disqualified for cheating, or for giving the appearance of cheating.
If you must leave your team/table during the question portions, DO NOT RETURN until your team's answer sheet has been turned in.
In the event of a tie, a tie-breaker question will decide the winner. In the unlikely event that the tied teams each answer the question correctly (or closest in some cases), the winner shall be the team which hands the correct answer to the Quizmaster the quickest
The last place team picks one category out of two for the next week.